After School Inclusion Program: R.A.P. Room

The R.A.P Room is a specialized after school program that provides enriching services for children 4 to 16 years old with developmental disabilities. Our classrooms offer, with the support of special needs counselors, individualized homework help and specialist-led activities in environments that are customized to be both therapeutic and inspirational. Activities include art therapy with breathing technique incorporation, zumba and mediation time. Students are mainstreamed into a variety of activities with the general H.E.S. After School program, including dance, yoga, martial arts, youth fitness and baking. Counseling is also available to participants during program hours from one of our on staff social workers.

School Year: Thurs, Sep 5, 2024 – Tues, Jun 24, 2025

General Hours: Mon through Fri from 2 to 6 pm with early closing at 5:30 on Fridays. Please inquire about After Care until 7 pm Mon – Thu.

Please note, an intake/family support meeting is the first step and a required enrollment step to confirm eligibility for this program. To schedule a time to meet, please use Calendy.

All Are Welcome

After School R.A.P. Room Registration Packet 2024-2025


After School R.A.P. Calendar 2024-2025


Sunday Fundays

Sunday Funday is an inclusive play day for all children between the ages of 4 to 15. For three hours every Sunday, the program provides and promotes community inclusion and socialization for all children including those with disabilities. Through activities, such as art therapy, music, games, mediation, adaptive yoga, zumba, sensory activities and more, children build confidence, make friends and have fun. Snack is provided.

Sundays | 10am to 1pm 

1 Session: $35

8 Sessions: $250

** This is a fee-for-service program that is not covered by Medicaid Waiver Services, but can be reimbursed through OPWDD Self-Direction. For OPWDD Self Direction participants, support can be provided to apply for funding approval by a fiscal intermediary agency.


Root Sports

Our Root Sports Program is an adaptive sports education program that includes 2 sports (basketball and soccer). The program welcomes all skill levels as this is an inclusion based program that allows for equal opportunity amongst all children. Individualized and small group counselor support in combination with coach led instruction.

Ages 5 to 16

Tuesdays 6 – 7 pm

Spring 2025: 3/4/25 – 6/24/25

  • Fee: $300

Register for Sunday Fundays or Root Sports

Click Here

Parent Support Groups

The Support Group for Parents with Children with Disabilities provides parents and caregivers a safe haven to gain knowledge, develop connections and receive access to resources.

Sessions are professionally led by our Social and Disability Services Administrators. Topics vary monthly and include focuses such as coping with stress, helping your child succeed in school, accessing resources, transitioning into adulthood, self-care, and more.

All families are welcome to join and no reservation is required. This Parent Support Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month on Zoom. 


Parent Support Group Zoom

Parent Support Group Zoom Link

H.E.S. Parent Support Group Resources

Click Here

Minnie’s Place

Minnie’s Place is a sensory room environment that provides a safe space for chillen to calm and de-stress. All of the equipment in Minnie’s Place can be controled, manipúlated, intensified, or reduced as needed by H.E.S. Staff personal to support children during challenging times or for needs such as isolated learning environments, such as customization of lighting, smell and visual and tangible interactions.

Weekdays after 6 pm & Sundays

Open during the School Year.

To learn more, make reservations and/or room rental consideraron, email [email protected] or call (718) 241-3000 ext. 143.

Camp Xtra

Camp Xtra is an inclusion-based summer day camp that provides specialized support for children with developmental disabilities within the general H.E.S. Summer Camp.

Campers explore an array of activities with all children in non-restrictive settings. In addition, specialized activities and trips are conducted to provide the campers an opportunity to de-compress, be empowered, as well as explore new experiences tailored for them.

More info about Camp Xtra.

To learn more about any of our programs for children with disabilities, email [email protected] or call (718) 241-3000 ext. 143.