Swim ‘N’ Skills is an OPWDD swimming program with ABA support. Each child will receive individualized swim instruction and 1:1 support from a counselor as well as a swim instructor. An ABA Specialist in collaboration with a Disability Services Supervisor will lead all counselors and swim instructors to best provide clinical support to participants. In addition, parents/caregivers of children will be provided with 3 ABA parent training lessons.

Swimming activities will support the development of positive social behavior, turn-taking, communication, and self-esteem.

Sundays | 9 – 10 am (October to March)

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Children ages 5 – 17 years old
  • Diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and have completed the OPWDD Front Door approval process

Each family participating and consistently attending can participate for up to 3 years. Availability is limited.

Please note, an intake/family support meeting is the first step and a required enrollment step to confirm eligibility for this program. To schedule a time to meet, please use Calendy here.

For more information about Swim ‘n’ Skills, email [email protected] or call (718) 241-3000 ext. 133 or (718) 241-3000 ext. 143.